About us

Catholic Press Photo, was born 45 years ago from a great idea of Giancarlo Giuliani developing it during the years and now defining his target in social-religious photos, with a particular point of view regarding the Vatican and his events, but continuing to follow the Italian and foreign news.

International distribution – Partner Agency: Agence CIRIC (France)

A digitized database with digital transmission – A search of the archives on request.

Now agency specializing in:

Religion, Covering all religions in their fundamental, social and institutional, with a particular point of view on

the Vatican, with a historical archive by Second Vatican Council to today.

Social: treating social commitments, the fight against exclusion, minorities, human rights.

Portraits of the characters, including religious

Archives : 1.000.000 photos for 1960

The team

Giancarlo Giuliani,
Founder and Chief Photographer,

Alessia Giuliani,
Photo Editor and Chief Photographer,

Monica Giuliani,
Administrative manager

Emanuela De Meo,
Photo Editor

Massimiliano Migliorato,